According to many people urology is one science that is the gift of modern science and medicine, but the fact of the matter is urology is one science that has been discussed before by great medicine men like Hippocrates. Urology is one science that has gone through much advancement in the last many years. Urology is one science according to which one studies the urinary tract of male and female adults. Urinary tract problem is a genuine problem which most people face. Unfortunately, this problem is unattended to. Fast forwarding to the modern times, there are various urological clinics which cater to the needs of the common people. Diagnosis of Urinary tract infection in Dehradun , for instance, is an example how urological studies, helps in studying the urological problems of people. Treatment of prostate in Dehradun , is an example that urological studies helps in treating the urological problems of people. Urology in the earlier times was a painful affair, mainly,...